Why Team Building is Important

The perfect recipe is never complete without each ingredient needed to make it work. The ingredients in your business are the hardworking and dedicated members that make up your team. Whether you’re a growing group of just a few or a large corporation with a wide pool of employees, team building is an important step in helping your team be productive, communicate effectively, and maintain workplace satisfaction. Foster the relationships between employees, create paths of connection for team members at all levels, and lay a foundation for a healthy work environment. Find out why team building is important for the growth, function, and productivity of your business. 

Team Building

Team building is creating an environment, engaging in activities, and performing intentional actions that foster bonding and relationship growth between members of a team. Whether it's a weekend away or just an hour outside the office, team building can have a lasting impact on the members of your organization.  

Team Building Exercises

One of the most effective ways to foster team member cooperation and a group working environment is through team building exercises. Exercises come in many forms, from competitive team games to scavenger hunts and team tasks. When put in a position to work together for a common goal, team members experience a feeling of comradery with those they’re working alongside and gain valuable experience in effective communication and coordination with others. Through these exercises, teams build skills that can translate into the workplace.

Team Bonding

Similar to team building exercises, team bonding shifts the focus to a deeper level. Instead of building skills or working on group tasks, team bonding puts an emphasis on emotional growth and fostering deeper relationships between team members. Team bonding activities will be aimed at getting to know team members on a more personal level, encouraging connection and communication. 

Team Building Impact

Team building is important to your business in many ways. When you put a focus on the cohesion and function of your team, you see tangible impacts and improvements. 

Communication and Productivity

One of the largest impacts team building has on a group comes in the dynamic it helps create. Team building exercises and team bonding experiences aim at bringing a team closer. This results in improvements in effective communication between team members as they get to know each other on a deeper level and learn each member communicates in their own way. Team building exercises also create specific and unique situations for members to work alongside others to complete tasks. These activities greatly improve team members ability to work in a cohesive way in the workplace. With better communication and understanding of each other, teams become more productive in all areas of the workplace. 

Leadership Identification

For a business owner, team building exercises can also provide a prime opportunity to identify which members of a team show leadership qualities. During team building exercises, some members may show more initiative or naturally fall into a lead role. In addition, these activities show if other members are willing to follow the one in a leadership role and if trust is formed. These evaluations can be valuable when structuring a team and making promotional decisions. 

Boosts Morale

On a motivational level, team building can get a team suffering from burnout, lack of motivation, or interpersonal issues back on track to achieve goals. Fostering meaningful relationships with coworkers gives team members a feeling of support from the workplace. Where they may have felt frustrated with others or disconnected, engaging in bonding experiences creates connection within a team. Better relationships tend to lead to better morale for a workplace. When teams are happy to come to work and feel personally invested in their team, businesses see a major boost in workplace satisfaction. 

Health Benefits

All kinds of jobs come with challenges. Working every day can become grueling for an employee, no matter their level of commitment. On an individual level, taking time for team building activities gives members a much needed break from the daily grind. Physically, teams get out from behind a desk and get moving with engaging exercises and activities. Mentally, teams get a breather from everyday tasks and the stresses that can come with work. Bonding experiences can drain mental stress by allowing emotions to release and creating a support system within a group. 

Show of Support

A team will struggle to function at its highest potential if it doesn’t feel supported by its leadership. Investing in team building exercises and bonding activities shows a team that it is valued.  More important than the data and numbers, the people who make up a team are the core of a company. Creating time to leave work behind and focus on the humans behind human resources shows team members they matter and are cared for. 

Look into why team building is important for any workplace group. Foster meaningful relationships between coworkers, encourage effective communication, and improve team member wellbeing when you invest in team building for your company.